
 Feed your spirit with these stories and reflections about living in relationship.

Famine forgetters

Famine forgetters

by Anne Basye— When you were planning your Easter menu, did you consider the pos­sibility that the meat, vegetables and staples you needed might not be available? That store shelves might be emptied by crop failure, drought, guerilla fighting or a natural disaster? I...

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Reading the Bible for love

Reading the Bible for love

by Laurie A. Jungling— Reading the Bible is a big deal. Whether we’re reading it alone or in commu­nity, whether we’re hearing it in worship, engaging in group Bible study or doing personal daily devotions, reading the Bible is im­portant for our relationships with...

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Amazing, awesome, awful church

Amazing, awesome, awful church

by Christa von Zychlin— As I write I am just finishing eight and a half years of pastoral minis­try in Asia. Because of my unique call, I’ve been sitting in a back pew most Sundays, getting a view of different churches, different de­nominations, different countries,...

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Good ‘ol Sam

Good ‘ol Sam

by Sarah Carson-- I was already running behind when I jumped behind the wheel of my car one Saturday morning. The gas gauge said I could make it 58 more miles, so I made a mental calculation. It was 50 miles to my destination; I could get on the highway and find a...

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Unexpected neighbors

Unexpected neighbors

by Cara Strickland— I have never been beaten and left on the side of the road. But I have been hurt, finding myself in need of both practical and emotional help. In my experience, it’s rarely the people I expect to be able to count on who come to my aid. Like the man...

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Ash and oil

Ash and oil

—by Jordan Miller-Stubbendick When mixing ashes, the trick is to use just a little oil and go slowly. Too much oil, and they become a soupy mess, stuck at the bottom of a greenish-yel­low shimmer. If there’s too little, add more just a few drops at a time. The only...

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Our next of kin

Our next of kin

by Cindy Novak— Jews and Christians have a unique bond—and are even described as being “siblings” and “next of kin” in Evangelical Lutheran Church in America resources. Since the 1960s, the ELCA and its predecessor church bod­ies have striven to nurture that bond by...

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Variety, the spice of life

Variety, the spice of life

by Elizabeth Hunter— Our local store has an entire aisle just for soap and deodorant. We see this kind of thing as normal, but when my husband’s college friend, new to the U.S. from Zaire, needed to replace his dwindling bar of soap, the grocery aisle with dozens of...

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‘Tis the season…for hospitality

‘Tis the season…for hospitality

By Anne Basye— Make a list of twenty things that matter deeply to you: your children, your parents, your congregation…your great grandmother’s tea set... Are you up to 20 yet? Now cross off five of them. Cross off five more. And then another five. “When you’re a...

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When wolves come to dinner

When wolves come to dinner

by Liv Larson Andrews— A wolf killed my uncle’s favorite llama. She was old and weak, with dark brown hair and kind eyes that would follow his truck up the dirt driveway. For many years my uncle has kept eight or nine llamas on his plot of Montana hill­side. One...

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The songs of Advent

The songs of Advent

by Kathryn A. Kleinhans— Advent is a season of waiting, but not just waiting. Advent is also a season of anticipation and preparation. Anticipation reminds us that we are waiting for something that is worth waiting for. Preparation reminds us that waiting is not idle...

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An “Oh yeah” Advent

An “Oh yeah” Advent

by Sarah Carson— Recently I needed to clean out my medicine cabinet. On one shelf were prescriptions from ailments past—pain medications, antibiotics, several jars of cranberry cap­sules (there must have been some sale at the pharmacy when I needed those!). On another...

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Patterns of faith

Patterns of faith

By Kristine A. Luber— Raised by devout parents who sent me to Lutheran schools, I soaked up the words of faith at an ear­ly age. I can still recite the first hymn I memorized and my confirmation verse, as well as the Lord’s Prayer and the Apostles’ Creed. I also...

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A temple of the Holy Spirit

A temple of the Holy Spirit

by Jane E. Vennard-- When I was a child I didn’t think about my body; I simply lived in it. Running and jumping and skipping, mountain hikes with my family and playing in the ocean’s waves were simply glorious. What was there to think about? I didn’t express gratitude...

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I love you. What were you thinking?

I love you. What were you thinking?

by Anna Madsen— I’m not saying that I’ve had a lot of “aha” moments in life, but here’s one that happened for sure: My late mentor and professor, Walter Bouman, taught us that the key for some sort of understanding of “Holy Spirit” might be less “Spirit” and more...

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Mostly pretty great

Mostly pretty great

by Amy White— I stared into my coffee cup, not really wanting to look back at my computer screen. A mentor had challenged me to sit with my shame, so I sat there and fidgeted, imagining I had pulled up a chair and invited my feelings to the table. A place card seemed...

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Living creatures of every kind

Living creatures of every kind

by Julie Kanarr— It’s 2 p.m. on the first Sunday in October. There are 11 dogs, three cats and a dozen people in the church parking lot. Some people are holding leashes attached to dogs who range in size from toy poodle to St. Bernard. One cat is content to be held in...

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Soon and very soon

Soon and very soon

 by Angela Khabeb— When I was eight, my father took my older sister, Chrystal, and me to an Andraé Crouch concert. Often called “the father of mod­ern Gospel music,” Crouch was playing at the historic Orpheum Theater in my hometown of Omaha, Nebraska. The experience...

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