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Gather, the magazine of Women of the ELCA, offers a mix of articles, theological reflections, devotions and stories of comfort and challenge that help readers grow in faith and engage in ministry and action.

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Redeeming grace

Redeeming grace

Coupons, rainchecks and rebates were my dad’s way of saving money on groceries and other household items. Because of this, even as a young child I understood what “redeeming” meant. Dad redeemed coupons a little like he played cards. He knew just what coupon to play,...

The gift of grace

The gift of grace

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God…” (Ephesians 2:8) This was one of the scripture readings at our wedding. This was one of the Scripture readings at our wedding. We didn’t exactly choose it. We were...

Tell us: What is your favorite hymn?

Tell us: What is your favorite hymn?

What is your favorite hymn? Perhaps it's a life-long favorite that provides peace and solace whenever you are going through a tough time. Or maybe this special hymn adds joy or helps to deepen your worship experience. By Nov. 22, send a brief story (1-2 paragraphs)...

Trenches and flowers

Trenches and flowers

The power of hope in Kharkiv, Ukraine People were planting flowers next to trenches along the main road leading into Kharkiv, a city in eastern Ukraine, when our Lutheran World Federation (LWF) delegation visited in May 2024. Checkpoints, concrete blocks and...

Nothing can separate us

Nothing can separate us

Holy and abiding presence, out of the depths, I cry to you! Like so many before me, I wonder: “How long?” “Why me?” “Why them?” “Why now?” “Where are you?” and “Why have you forsaken us?” If I were to rend my garments each time these thoughts come, I would no longer...