Take aim: Developing the muscle memory of faith

Take aim: Developing the muscle memory of faith

…touch people who don’t want to be touched.” “No means no.” “Where do shoes belong?” “Have you done your job?” “Are you helping or hurting?” “Softer voice inside, please.” In…

Into the wilderness for Lent

Into the wilderness for Lent

…our information over-saturation—I publish magazine articles, keep up a website, schedule emails. In fact, it’s why I’m awake at 4:30 a.m. As a working, single mother, early morning is my…

Studying Scripture

Studying Scripture

…care, and of course, Bible.” “Oh, he won’t need to take the Bible classes,” she interrupted. “He has read it from beginning to end multiple times.” She took the catalog…

Set free

Set free

free, you will be free indeed” (8:36). We are not to return to our old ways. God gives us a new law, making us a people who do not just…

Faithful eating

Faithful eating

…like it, subscribe to Gather. Watch for the new study guide for “Earth’s Climate Crisis,” a social message of the ELCA, at https://elca.org/Resources/Faith-and-Society#Studydocs, coming in time for Earth Day 2024….



…that?” she asked, as I put mascara on my lashes. “Mascara.” “What’s it do?” “It makes my eyelashes look longer.” “But why?” she asked. “Well, it looks better.” “No, it…